Texas Travel

Thunder Rolls At Mountain Vista

Howdy from high-atop the deck at Mountain Vista! It’s a stormy day in Beavers Bend and we love watching the weather roll in from our 50-mile western view.

June is filling up fast. We only have a handful of days still available. Book your Broken Bow luxury cabin dates soon for the summer months.

We’re installing a cool new horseshoe pit at Mountain Vista. As always, we’re not charging you a resort fee for this! 

Thunder Rolls At Mountain Vista

We’ll have more horseshoe pit pics posted soon. Along with our improved views, you’ll be gazing at about 50 miles from our deck on a clear day.

There are many great cabins in Beavers Bend. Scores are now owned by cabin management companies and they aren’t vacation homes…they’re rentals.

Mountain Vista is truly our vacation home. We spend many nights here and are fortunate to have a loyal group of guests visiting multiple times each year.

Get our Beavers Bend app for VIP offers. The app also includes my blog and an in-depth breakdown of area attractions near Broken Bow Lake.

Sherri and I hope you will visit Beavers Bend this spring or summer and connect with nature.

Thunder Rolls At Mountain Vista

Please, no wagering at the horseshoe pit!

By |2017-06-27T15:56:50+00:00April 29th, 2017|Texas Travel, travel blogs, travel promotions|

Broken Bow Fall Foliage

Fall is Here!

Mountain Vista’s View!

The Broken Bow Fall foliage season is only a few weeks away. This sunrise shot was taken from the deck of Mountain Vista November 10th a couple of years ago.

October and November are huge tourist months in Beavers Bend, especially weekends. Our Thursday-Saturday dates are full at Mountain Vista until December. A few weekdays remain available during foliage season.

Our fire pit at Mountain Vista is a favorite spot for guests to gather while enjoying a glass of wine in the evening. We always provide free firewood.

The Broken Bow fall foliage season is the top tourist attraction in Oklahoma during October and November. For a list of all the hot spots, download our Beavers Bend app.

The famous Talimena Drive is our top activity recommendation when visiting Broken Bow during foliage season. The winding roads and breathtaking scenery prove the ultimate fall foliage experience in Southeastern Oklahoma.

Thousands visit Broken Bow, OK for the annual Beavers Bend Folk Festival. This year’s dates are November 11-13.

Broken Bow Fall Foliage

Our free s’mores kits are a guest favorite year-round, but even more so during the fall. Others charge more than $40 for generic versions of ours in Beavers Bend. We don’t do generic junk at Mountain Vista!

When researching luxury cabins in Beavers Bend, remember to look for photos of the property perimeter. Scores of cabins are being built and they’re becoming closer together. You’ll be in for a big surprise when you arrive if you don’t do your homework.

Broken Bow Fall Foliage

There are over 1,000 luxury cabins in the Beavers Bend State Park region. Most have resort fees and add-on charges for insurance, cleaning and firewood. We never have these fees at Mountain Vista.

Mountain Vista features acres of seclusion and unmatched sunset views of the Kiamichi Mountains. Contact us to reserve your stay at the cabin lauded as “A Place to Stay in Oklahoma” by TravelOK!

By |2022-02-25T14:51:51+00:00September 30th, 2016|Texas Travel, travel blogs, travel oklahoma|

Choosing A Broken Bow Cabin Management Company

 “I need help choosing a Broken Bow cabin management company.” I get this question asked often via our app and website.

I always delve into their goals. Do they want to be an elite player or just rent their Beavers Bend luxury cabin occasionally?

If you want to play in the cabin big leagues and develop a brand, it’s foolish to hire a company that’s marketing 30-70 other cabins. You’ll be lost in the shuffle.

It’s easy to figure out if a Beavers Bend management company will be a good fit. Analyze their marketing and ask yourself a few questions…

  1. Do they have cutting-edge technology? Professional videos, apps and a highly read blog?
  2. Are they social media experts or simply occasional posters? See my funny story from earlier this year.
  3. Are they always adding/deleting cabins on their website?
  4. How are their references?
  5. What is their fee structure? Do they charge owners for advertising and stays in their cabin? 
  6. Do they add a surcharge fee to owners for routine maintenance. (Tip: If you have propane delivered or maintenance done, make sure you see an invoice from the vendor, not the management company.)
Choosing A Broken Bow Cabin Management Company

Mountain Vista Cabin, Broken Bow, OK

A few cabin owners rely on themselves to publicize their cabin in Beavers Bend.

Developing a cabin brand and not simply being a number is difficult without having extensive marketing and media experience. How will you separate yourself?

Your cabin must have something unique to offer near Broken Bow Lake. Cabins with seclusion and great views are becoming increasingly scarce.

Management companies gouging tourists with add-on and resort fees is becoming more prevalent.

The most important thing isn’t simply having a cabin…people must be able to find it via blogs, videos, apps and social media.

Contact us if you would like to be a part of our website and other media outlets. Thousands have the Beavers Bend app we created.

Our media background enables us to offer professional video at no cost to you with our marketing program.

Are you tired of being a cabin owner lost in the shuffle?

Choosing A Broken Bow Cabin Management Company

By |2019-07-05T17:10:53+00:00September 22nd, 2016|Texas Travel, travel blogs|

Choosing A Beavers Bend Cabin Management Company

“I need help choosing a Beavers Bend cabin management company.” We hear this on a weekly basis.

There are numerous cabin companies in Broken Bow offering property management services. Lots of great people attempting to make their owners happy. There are other places where your just a number.

Before jumping into the Beavers Bend luxury cabin rental game, understand how to choose a great cabin management company.

Ask yourself these questions before choosing a Beavers Bend cabin management company.

  • Is the company’s marketing extraordinary? Being successful in the luxury rental business is much more than simply having a cabin picture on a website and hoping for the best. Make sure you’re fishing with a good lure that makes them bite. Otherwise, don’t fish.
  • Do they have a limited number of cabins in order to market mine? If you choose a company with 30-60 other cabins on their website, you’re nuts and will get no individualized attention.
  • Do they have a rock star website? No one wants to rent a luxury vacation cabin when the website looks like something from a third-world country. If the pictures and videos on a website aren’t stellar, no one will think your cabin is either.
  • Do they incorporate professional video with their marketing strategy? Not cheap iPhone stuff. Anyone with elite marketing experience will tell you great video sells. Bad video keeps them away.
  • Do they have a significant social media presence? 
  • Do they gouge guests with add-on fees? Potential cabin guests are smart and have learned the hard way not to get shafted with needless charges like resort fees, insurance, cleaning, incidental fees and firewood. We sell against this and it works wonderfully for us. It’s not only the right thing to do, its smart business. We don’t penny-pinch guests.
  • Is the company on the cutting-edge of technology? Do they blog, have an app, newsletter, push-notification or advertising program? If the answer is “no,” don’t hire them.

There are approximately 1,500 cabins in Beavers Bend. Rates range from $100/night to near infinity. Do your homework before deciding to tag team with a company already promoting scores of cabins.

If you’re considering hiring a property management company, make sure they’re marketing and media experts. We can market your cabin via our vast array of technology and professional media experience. Also make sure you see every invoice for any work done on your cabin. Some are notorious for marking up the price to cabin owners.

Choosing a Beavers Bend cabin management company

Contact us at BeaversBendVacations.com. We’ll give your cabin the professional video and marketing it deserves. Choosing a great Beavers Bend cabin management/marketing company is paramount to success. If you’re a marketing expert, do it yourself like us at Mountain Vista. If not, choose a pro.

By |2019-07-05T17:10:50+00:00May 2nd, 2016|Texas Travel, travel blogs|

You Don’t Want To Feel The Noise…

Tourism is booming in Beavers Bend, low oil prices seem to have little impact on cabin building in Broken Bow. New cabins continue to pop up everywhere…low to high-end.

It’s a good idea to map out exactly where your luxury cabin rental is located before making your reservation. Many are being built near busy highways. Surprise! The sweet sounds of logging trucks and 18-wheelers zooming by at 65 miles per hour isn’t exactly my definition of a relaxing getaway in the forest!

Cabin websites don’t mention this, but it’s something to consider if you don’t know the lay of the land in Beavers Bend. Ask for a 360-degree video of the property before you book a cabin. Don’t simply believe pictures on a website. This will eliminate all surprises upon arrival.

One of the biggest complaints for first-time cabin visitors to Broken Bow is a lack of seclusion. Many are located mere feet away from another cabin. Others are located near a bar or restaurant with loud music playing nightly. How will you know for sure? Ask for the video and do your homework.

Quiet Riot was a great old band, but you don’t want to “feel the noise” when staying in Beavers Bend!

We love logging trucks in the Kiamichi Mountains of Southeastern Oklahoma. They’re a staple of our economy, but there’s no need for them to be cranking by your cabin on a busy highway.  Demand seclusion when staying in Beavers Bend.

We offer acres of seclusion away from noisy highways at Mountain Vista. Our 20-mile views and loyal following have made Mountain Vista a popular getaway for several years.

There are plenty of cabins in the area that won’t remind you of C.W. McCall’s hit, Convoy!

Reserve your stay at Mountain Vista soon. Breaker, breaker 1-9…you’ll truly have a “Quiet Riot!”

By |2016-01-09T19:46:20+00:00January 9th, 2016|Texas Travel, travel blogs, travel promotions|

Winter In Beavers Bend

Winter in Beavers Bend

Winter in Beavers Bend is amazing and so are the views from Mountain Vista’s deck!

When the foliage falls in Broken Bow, our views get even better. Each season is truly special near Beavers Bend State Park. We love winter at Mountain Vista. We enjoy the fire pit and hiking the acreage surrounding Mountain Vista and the David Boren Hiking Trail.

When considering a luxury cabin rental in Beavers Bend State Park, make sure you validate a few things before booking.

Winter in Beavers Bend

  1. Seclusion: Many cabin pictures are posted online promoting Beavers Bend and everything it has to offer. Often beautiful pics are posted without indicating there are other cabins only feet away. This is one of the two biggest complaints we hear from people visiting other cabins in the area. 
  2. Add-On Fees: Don’t pay for them. Take you business elsewhere. We received a call last week from someone telling us another cabin company wanted to charge big bucks for a little firewood. This is ridiculous. If there are guest-gouging charges from a cabin company…punt them. S’mores fees, cleaning fees, resort fees, restocking fees, firewood fees…the list goes on and on. A clever new add-on fee name pops up frequently in Beavers Bend. Some cabin companies are charging $40-$100 for s’mores and firewood. They’re always free at Mountain Vista!
  3. Owner Involvement: If owners are highly involved in the cabin you’re renting in Beavers Bend, that’s good. Absentee owners almost always indicate a drop in cabin amenities. Most cabin companies don’t care. They want you booked, then out the door. If you’ve chosen one of 30-50 cabins on a website, you’re just a number. You’ll notice if the cabin owners are highly involved within 60 seconds after opening the cabin’s front door. There’s a difference between staying at a vacation home versus a rental cabin.
  4. References: Our references are easy to find. We’ve enjoyed yet another successful year of great guests at Mountain Vista. Checkout our references and compare.

Contact us at 405-535-8055 or via our website to experience Mountain Vista luxury cabin in Broken Bow, OK soon!

By |2021-09-17T10:49:27+00:00November 30th, 2015|Texas Travel, travel blogs, Travel Deals|

Secluded Cabins In Broken Bow

Secluded Broken Bow Cabins

Mountain Vista

Secluded cabins in Broken Bow with tremendous views are becoming more difficult to find. The booming tourism industry in Beavers Bend has resulted in more cabins and smaller lots. They’re usually only an acre or less and another rental cabin is usually within eyeshot.

You won’t find many pictures like the one above on a website advertising luxury cabin rentals. They don’t want to show you another cabin a few feet away or a noisy, dusty road nearby.

There’s a difference between rental cabins and vacation homes in Beavers Bend State Park. Rental cabins tend to exaggerate maximum occupancy. Vacation homeowners want great visitors and minimal wear and tear on their property. We don’t want to cram you in and charge another $25 per-person.

Our vacation home, Mountain Vista, accommodates six adults and two children. You’ll see other cabins wanting to pack you in like sardines in order to make a buck. Sleeping bags, bunk beds and rollaway couches are the norm for many…not us.

If you’re shopping for good cabin deals, make sure to do the math. Don’t overlook add-on fees; they can tack on up to 20%. You won’t realize it until the final click or two when reserving online. Cleaning and insurance charges along with resort fees will pound your pocketbook into submission. We never charge extra fees and even the firewood is free! Others attempt to charge over $100 for a several day supply.

Secluded Cabins in Broken Bow

Acres of Seclusion

We’re having another stellar year at BeaversBendVacations.com. Only a handful of weekends remain open at Mountain Vista until after Thanksgiving. Sherri and I have enjoyed seeing a record number of repeat visitors this year. Several guests reserve our vacation home five to six times per-year!

There are scores of fantastic cabins in the Broken Bow Lake region. We sometimes get up to 20 emails or calls per-day requesting a Beavers Bend cabin recommendation. We have a few favorites and are happy to help you even if we’re already booked.

When looking for secluded cabins in Broken Bow, do your homework and get references. Checkout ours!  You don’t want any surprises.

I enjoy the feedback our blog receives. We were the first to blog in Beavers Bend and we have thousands of readers each month.

What are the best and worst experiences you’ve had renting luxury cabins in Broken Bow? Did you get hit with those pesky add-on charges? Did your cabin look completely different from the website pictures upon arrival?

Cabin owners…are you being hit with unnecessary fees from management companies? Is your cabin being marketed properly with professional video and media? We can help.

Send me a note. I’ll have a prize for the most amusing story!

By |2019-07-05T17:10:43+00:00August 12th, 2015|Texas Travel, travel blogs|

Beavers Bend Cabin References

Beavers Bend Cabin References

Beavers Bend cabin references are an important factor to consider when researching your next vacation getaway near Broken Bow Lake.

We’re extremely fortunate to have hosted many families and groups through the years. From the Ft. Worth girls getaway gang who visit twice annually, to the church ladies’ from Tulsa who enjoy services on our deck…We have an eclectic group of Mountain Vista Fans!

We’ve made our mark in the Oklahoma luxury cabin circles by delivering on our promises to these private people…Along the way, many public figures have told us “feel free to use our names.” We’re very grateful.

Beavers Bend Cabin References

Our old friend, Neal Doughty, keyboardist and founder of the iconic band REO Speedwagon gave us permission to use his hit song on the front page of our website a couple of years ago. We go back decades with this rock legend and were thrilled he liked our marketing and was willing to put his name behind Mountain Vista. We receive many “how did you land him” comments frequently. Make sure you see REO Speedwagon in concert this year. They still tour like maniacs and are fantastic to see live.

Beavers Bend Cabin References

We love boats, fishing and Broken Bow Lake. What better reference could we have than the CEO of Skeeter Boats, Jeff Stone? Jeff has stayed at Mountain Vista a few times and had great things to say about our vacation home. Jeff is a very nice guy and gave us great tips about how to choose the correct new boat.

Toby Rowland, voice of the Oklahoma Soooners has stayed at Mountain Vista and gave his thoughts on our luxury cabin in Broken Bow on our blog a few years ago. We think the world of Toby and he’s on the way to establishing legendary status at the University of Oklahoma.

Doug Warner, anchor at KSLA in Shreveport has enjoyed our cabin in Broken Bow numerous times and we wrote about his Beavers Bend experience last year. Doug is a former top Oklahoma City news anchor and the leading television personality in the ArkLaTex market.

Legendary sports executive, David Vance, and his wife Yenni have stayed at Mountain Vista and we featured them on our Beavers Bend blog detailing their experience in the Broken Bow Lake area.

One doesn’t buy these types of references…They earn them.

These are just a few of the wonderful people who have enjoyed Mountain Vista in Beavers Bend State Park. There’s many more stories we’ll share with you soon! Remember to do your homework before choosing a luxury cabin in Broken Bow. You’ll be glad you did!

By |2015-01-12T21:44:28+00:00January 12th, 2015|Texas Travel|

Mountain Vista & TravelOK Giveaway

Mountain Vista & TravelOK Giveaway

An epic Mountain Vista & TravelOK Giveaway promotion featuring our Beavers Bend State Park luxury cabin is underway!

Sherri and I are thrilled that our cabin in Beavers Bend was chosen by TravelOK.com as their top choice for a fantastic promotion culminating in one lucky winner receiving a free two-night stay at our “home away from home.” The promotion continues throughout the end of October and the reaction has been overwhelming.

Thousands have entered and shared this contest on their social media outlets. Thousands more have posted touching comments online describing why they need a few days out of town surrounded by nature in an upscale setting.

It’s exciting news and we look forward to providing the winners with an outstanding Oklahoma tourism experience in Broken Bow. There are 1,000 luxury cabins near Beavers Bend State Park, we’re truly honored that our cabin was chosen.

There’s so much to explore in our area. Two-million people visit our area annually for a reason…It’s beautiful here!

Enter the contest. Someone is going to win and we have a few surprises awaiting the winners!

Jerry Isbell


By |2021-09-14T13:14:26+00:00October 2nd, 2014|Southern travel, Texas Travel, travel promotions, vacation blogs|

Beavers Bend Cabins Spring Break Update


Oklahoma Spring Break Update: We currently have several dates open. It won’t be long until the colors on our property at Mountain Vista cabin become vibrant!

Texas Spring Break Update: Very few days remain available. Check our calendar and book online or give us a call if you have any questions about the area, where to eat, what to do etc. Our phones are always available.

Book your stay at Mountain Vista soon. We really begin getting busy with lots of reservations during February. The phones and email begin blowing up once March arrives. Plan early so you’ll have a secluded cabin rather than something that’s not top of the line.

Restaurant Recommendation: We had a recent guest rave about Papa Poblano’s Mexican restaurant in Broken Bow. They planned a three-night stay but enjoyed our view so much, they added an extra night once they arrived to our property. You may want to check Papa’s out when visiting our area. I’m not a huge Mexican food fan, but have eaten there several times and the service and food have been fantastic. It’s very popular with the locals and tourists. When Sherri and I entertain guests at Mountain Vista, we often get takeout at Papa’s and take it back to the cabin.

Choctaw Casino in Broken Bow: Many of our Texas guests visit the casino when staying at our cabin. There’s no slots in the Lone Star State and if you’re feeling lucky, check them out! They usually have live music on weekends and my experience with all their facilities across the state is they’re first-class, very clean and they always go beyond the call of duty to offer a tremendous guest experience.

Contact us at [email protected] or 405-535-8055 if we can help you with your next trip to McCurtain County. If you’ve never been here before, you don’t know what you’re missing! Remember to compare cabins, locations, proximity to other cabins and most importantly, the view. Sherri and I invite you to visit Mountain Vista soon!


By Jerry Isbell

By |2014-02-15T19:38:52+00:00February 15th, 2014|Luxury Vacation Rentals, oklahoma tourism, Texas Travel, travel|
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